Senior Software Engineer @ AutoScout24 January 2020 - Present
Here, we are woking on Scala/Javam AWS cloud stack and other interesting technologies
Hi, I'm Harmeet Singh I love to program, especially with JVM based languages like Java and Scala. I am always trying to follow good design practices and patterns and take care of code quality. I am an enthusiast of cutting-edge technologies. I started my career with Jakarta EE web applications development.
With time and experience, I am moving towards Functional Paradigm through Scala, Haskell, and other pure functional languages. I also want to explore Type System in depth. I feel happy to share knowledge with others through discussions, presentations, workshops, conference, and any other source.
Here, we are woking on Scala/Javam AWS cloud stack and other interesting technologies
Here, we are working on lightbend technology stack and other cutting-edge technologies. Knoldus is the only Platinum Partner of Lightbend throughout Asia.
Here, we worked on Jakarta EE and Spring Framework for building web applications with Hibernate, Thymeleaf, MongoDB, MySQL and more.
Here, we worked on Jakarta EE and Spring Framework for building web applications with Hibernate, Thymeleaf, MySQL and more.
Moga, Punjab, India (142001)